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  • Not to be weird or anything but I just saw Horic, your oc, and he looks adorable :^)
    I live in PDT so it's 1:22 am here :) I'm not gonna sleep soon so if shes gonna be in boxes in the next few hours I will still be around~
    oh my !! can you wait for an hour and a half ?? ; n ; I'm not at home at the moment !!!
    Looks like we're already registered as friends. I'll search for your town and be right over.
    OK great, thank you for your patience. I'm ready to trade when you are. Just let me know when, I'll be on for a few hours.
    Okay I ordered a charger yesterday and it didn't com today but it should be here by tomorrow. I'm gonna go ahead and give you 50tbt for holding him, I really d appreciate it a lot.
    A couple of days should work, I should be able to borrow a charger from a friend by then.
    Oh wow I just realized what time you had her ready! ;3; I was at school, which was why I didn't see your message until now. Thank you for waiting for so long. ^^ I'll make sure to Sonic it home!
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