Arcticfox5 Feb 20, 2015 A lot opened up on my art thread. Would you still like me to draw your mayor with Rover?
D D deerui Feb 17, 2015 Uhm, who made your signature photo? I remember seeing the artist on deviantart so please, credit them
Uhm, who made your signature photo? I remember seeing the artist on deviantart so please, credit them
ToxiFoxy Feb 14, 2015 Btw you do not need to give credit for the sig, if you want any added special effects just tell me
ToxiFoxy Feb 14, 2015 I cannot find the old gif so I will use a new one unless you can find the old gif
ToxiFoxy Feb 14, 2015 Working on Dekomori sig right now the pic errored and I found out why and am fixing it, I will post it on my new thread and VM you when it is done
Working on Dekomori sig right now the pic errored and I found out why and am fixing it, I will post it on my new thread and VM you when it is done
T T toenuki Feb 14, 2015 Ok. Its the one with the red bangs and the oval eyes with no white.
Ok. Its the one with the red bangs and the oval eyes with no white.
Loyce Feb 14, 2015 hello! i can trade with you for the dlc items you offered on my thread now! i'll add your friend code and send the tbt when you open your gates. thank you!
hello! i can trade with you for the dlc items you offered on my thread now! i'll add your friend code and send the tbt when you open your gates. thank you!
Mercedes Feb 6, 2015 can sell you Rainbow tights Rainbow tee Pep sqaud skrit White shoes and a rainbow screen.