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  • Hmm when I get home i'll probably be on for about an hour, more or less..

    If she's still not yet in boxes by that time, I'll be available all day on monday est :)
    Something came up, I wont be home until 11pm-12am est tonight.. im so sorry >~< its just that my family had to visit my grandmother, which was totally uncalled for .. :( is she in boxes right now? Is she from your cycle town or main town? I dont want to hinder you from playing, if you time travel..
    gates are open! ^-^ please take 15 white carnations in front of the station. <3
    Thanks for everything! I hope I upgrade to the Emporium soon! Have a good night<3
    oh, and ps- I'm going to take you up on that Stitches offer! I can't wait to visit my bby again.. XD
    p.s.s.- I hope Pinky finds a good home:)
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