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  • Hey, sorry about the auction. I decided to just set a price for the sets and sell them off. I still have the ice set though. Is 6mil okay?
    Awww, thank u! This is actually her friend using her account right now, but ill be sure to let her know u wished her a happy b-day! ^-^
    Freakin for real? I totally did too. What was your dream about?

    Mine was like a half dream, that there was a tiny wasp nest on our ceiling with like 6 or 7 wasps buzzing around it and huddling on it. I kept pulling the covers off of my wife to protect myself, I can't remember if I was talking or not, but in between sleep and awake I thought for sure this nest was right above the bed. So I kept tucking myself in tighter and tighter thinking a wasp would try to get under the blanket.

    Still no luck on the hornets. This is reeeal baaad.
    i acually was able to find her a few days ago >//< if you don't want to void her, i can adopt her in my second town ^^
    Fire sounds like an awesome step, but I am a bit worried. In part because my wooden deck is RIGHT near the hole they are flying into, I don't want any thing to set fire and spread to the house, you know? I should probably take a couple courses on fire safety before trying any thing like that. Plus, theres a chance the fire wouldn't even reach far enough into the hole to hit whatever nest they're sitting on. Ugh, they ARE terrifying! I've been observing them fearfully and increasingly insanely through the window.
    Sorry that I've worried you.. a lot of.. stuff was going on so I didn't feel like going online or playing animal crossing.. orz
    But I'm back now(!!) uvu
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