Saturniidae Jun 14, 2014 sorry I missed you again . I've been really busy >_< I'll keep checking for when you're online again and I'll come over and bring it to you
sorry I missed you again . I've been really busy >_< I'll keep checking for when you're online again and I'll come over and bring it to you
lucylulu Jun 14, 2014 Thanks for messaging me about white lilies! Feel free to PM me when you are next online I should be around for quite a while.
Thanks for messaging me about white lilies! Feel free to PM me when you are next online I should be around for quite a while.
Melissa-Crossing Jun 11, 2014 I'm available now! I have set up 8 flowers in my retail for the highest amount, which is 999,999. So it would be easier than dropping!
I'm available now! I have set up 8 flowers in my retail for the highest amount, which is 999,999. So it would be easier than dropping!
Melissa-Crossing Jun 7, 2014 Hi! I am sorry. Mt place has lost wifi and I'm at a hotel using their wifi, so I have no way of trading at the moment. I'm sorry you haven't gotten a response from me, but I will contact you as soon as my place gets wifi. Again, I am sorry.
Hi! I am sorry. Mt place has lost wifi and I'm at a hotel using their wifi, so I have no way of trading at the moment. I'm sorry you haven't gotten a response from me, but I will contact you as soon as my place gets wifi. Again, I am sorry.
Pah Jun 4, 2014 I will let you know when she's in boxes. It should be soon if this method works correctly
Pah Jun 4, 2014 Uhm!! I'm not sure. What villagers would you trade (if are trading villagers)? I don't really know what I want ^___^ What else are you offering?
Uhm!! I'm not sure. What villagers would you trade (if are trading villagers)? I don't really know what I want ^___^ What else are you offering?
Saturniidae Jun 2, 2014 eeep I kept missing you I think it was hospital screen I was supposed to give you. let me know when it's ok to bring it to you ^^
eeep I kept missing you I think it was hospital screen I was supposed to give you. let me know when it's ok to bring it to you ^^
Melissa-Crossing May 29, 2014 Hi! I saw the 7-11 set kn my locker and realized I never gave it to you from the auction! Do you still want it. I believe it was 8 mil!
Hi! I saw the 7-11 set kn my locker and realized I never gave it to you from the auction! Do you still want it. I believe it was 8 mil!