Bitny Apr 29, 2014 I'm kinda heart broken... We lost connection... I was almost done with my first locker...
Bitny Apr 28, 2014 Hello dear! Almost done loading my locker! I'll add your FC, tell me when your gates are open <3
Bitny Apr 28, 2014 I'm working on getting them in my storage right now! It will probably take me about 3 trips. I'm really not sure >.<
I'm working on getting them in my storage right now! It will probably take me about 3 trips. I'm really not sure >.<
VolksWagenen Apr 28, 2014 awesome! thank you so much! I can be ready to get her in about 5 minutes if that works for you! sorry I deleted your message on accident, I was trying to delete one of mine...epic fail xD
awesome! thank you so much! I can be ready to get her in about 5 minutes if that works for you! sorry I deleted your message on accident, I was trying to delete one of mine...epic fail xD
Pastelyuuka Apr 27, 2014 That's fine there are a few others visting aswell c: just come when you're ready
Tommi Apr 25, 2014 Oh no, I only just saw your message this morning, damn it! -.- How are you anyway? I'm gutted, I missed out on getting Hamlet this morning... :'(
Oh no, I only just saw your message this morning, damn it! -.- How are you anyway? I'm gutted, I missed out on getting Hamlet this morning... :'(
mystearicaengland Apr 25, 2014 Oh- okay then(!) uwu I'm free now... ages after my first message pff (Also: if you ever have perfect oranges (or oranges? can you even have normal fruits on pre?) on premium again, could you please tell me? uwu)
Oh- okay then(!) uwu I'm free now... ages after my first message pff (Also: if you ever have perfect oranges (or oranges? can you even have normal fruits on pre?) on premium again, could you please tell me? uwu)