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  • Sorry if it was my internet. Well, my parents wifi. Plus it was working before when you came over, must be bad at night time. Just tell me when you want to collect the money.
    I know. I turned off and on my wifi, wasn't an error code or anything. My internet is working fine, maybe it's a problem with your connection?
    You sure? Hehe, well... I'm sure they probably would understand.

    Sometimes things happen and it's out of your hands.
    Hey, I see you're online! Would you like to pick up your items now? Or do you still need to drop-off?
    Doing a trade at the moment and on 3DS internet since it is night time. Should be open in about 20 minutes, have all bells you left still.
    Only gold furniture I need and then I will have full set. Will pay for that once you have reset if you want.
    Please VM or PM me when you're online! Even though my profile shows I'm offline, I'm probably not. I'm going somewhere at 4PM EST and probably won't be back until 5PM.
    I presume you mean today now. VM me when you get online and I will open straight away. Was sleeping when you sent the last message.
    OK. I am falling asleep here anyway, would like a higher tip. VM me when you can come to my town.
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