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  • Lol oh okay, sorry it's a big sum of Bells and I'm still dropping them lol
    I'll let you know!
    Aw sorry I missed your message lol.
    My friend (same one who'll be duping for the wall/floor) is dropping off a big order.
    I'll let you know as soon as we're done!
    Lol okay!
    And if it's okay, I don't wanna put her name out before telling her what's going on lol
    Just out of respect :)
    I'll let you know who if she says yes.
    Oh I thought you meant your contact for duping -_-
    Don't we need to establish who will be duping before trading...?
    Actually, I think going to your contact is a better idea lol,
    my friend is already doing me a HUGE favor/order, and I don't wanna keep adding things to her list :(
    Lol of course! Thanks!
    We just said goodnight, so I'll ask her tomorrow if she can dupe them for me, if that's ok?
    I don't wanna speak for her and make it solid yet lol
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