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  • You shouldn't be worried. Only the people who spammed/went offtopic are being banned.
    Yup, I just sent it~!
    If it says my inbox is full when you try to PM back, please leave me a visitor message instead!
    im ditching the drawing, first
    second, you are disgustin
    third, an internet troll is nothing bad
    you're 13? and someone asking if you're an internet troll hurt your self esteem? yeah you have serious problems and need to get a reality check. you have "self esteem issues" so you lash it out on schoolmates omfg are you proud of yourself
    Awesome thanks, I'll open in a jiff. Pick up nothing but the starts and you are welcome to run on the paths. Make sure your locker has tons of space.
    lol no i've never been grounded
    my brothers just using it
    bc sadly it is his so he gets to use it whenever he wants
    but i'm like 95% sure i'm gonna get my own 3ds for christmas yey.
    On 2nd thought, do you think you can pick them up from my town? It would be a huge help if you could ^^'
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