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  • Hi! I'm good thanks, and you? Haven't heard from you in a bit, how's school going?
    Hey, is it possible for me to draw your pokeve as an anthro? I really dislike drawing pokemon ; n ;
    I mentioned it on my thread, but I said I that I wasn't gonna update the front until I get home later tonight. So yes,I did get it, but just haven't updated the front. It's a pain on mobile.
    Awesome! I'm glad you like it :D Now, can you tell me the titles for your little banners? I can start working on them now.
    Heh. Okay I can see what I can do, but no promises at this point. Doing something with a cow will not be easy. If you happen to find any images that you like and want to use, please let me know!
    Haha okay. Are you just gonna have two posts/sections for your shop? or more? because you could expand to a couple sections and have banner titles and things like that. Something like Pengu's GFX shop.
    I'm glad that you think so but, I'm always learning new things. haha. First, if you wanna continue with the cow theme, making a banner and userbar might be a bit challenging, given that putting a cow in a banner would be complicating. But, before we go there, what exactly is your purpose for the shop?
    Hm. From the looks of it you are going with a more cow-like theme? Honestly, you can go with any type of layout for your shop to be honest. Did you have any ideas in mind?
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