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  • Sure~
    I have a new shop open, there's new backgrounds and other stuff.
    If you order there I can add you to the list of orders to be done :3
    Seriously don"t worry about it! I don;t mind at all and I really don't need them
    Give me a sec and I'll open
    I have some bells just sitting on my cycling town. Don't really need them. Want me to open the gate?
    Good luck!
    I have exams all week but I'm not stressed despite my lack of studying. I already had my juries (I go to a performing arts high school and since I play an instrument, I have to play and be graded to stay in the program) so theses are done. I just have academic classes left and my music theory test and school is out
    Me too lol. I hate math. Today I had my final exam and my teacher spent half of the exam block talking about pointless things so I only had 45 minutes to take a 60 question test. It sucked. Half the stuff I didn't know and the rest I didn't have time to do so I guessed on most of the problems. Even if I get an F on the exam, I'll pass the class overall with a B which I can survive with.
    I'm proud that you were able to pull yourself together and get a better grade. Next school year, if you need help, I don't mind. I got As in math all year so I'm not too bad at it :)
    I can't atm but soon! I promise <3
    I reset my cycling town so I'll look for your dreams :)
    Did you get you DS back? ^^
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