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  • Luckypinch - Order ready
    Astrology set
    Aquarius Urn 4800
    Aries Rocking Chair 4800
    Cancer Table 4800
    Capricorn Ornament 4800
    Gemini Closet 4800
    Leo Sculpture 4800
    Libra Scale 4800
    Pisces Lamp 4800
    Sagittarius Arrow 4800
    Scorpio Lamp 4800
    Taurus Bathtub 4800
    Virgo Harp 4800 = 57,600 + fee = 60,000
    Rolling Suitcase 1000
    Raccoon wall clock 1600
    Leaf bed 4200
    SLushie machine 2400
    Red-horned hat 2400
    Full moon Vainty 4360 = 15,960 + fee = 20,000
    Campus Set
    Notebook bed 23760
    Notebook wardrobe 23760
    Eraser sofa 23760
    Sticker tape liner 23760
    Set square table 23760
    Pencil screen 23760
    Notebook wall 23760
    Notebook floor 23760 = 190,080 + fee = 198,000
    60k + 20k + 198k = 278,000 (26)
    Hey how are ya? Like my new everything? XD Would you like to come and get more bushes? :)
    Hi I saw your post in my bushes thread were you looking to pay with igb or tbt...i won't be available to trade till Saturday if that works let me know thankyou
    Are you wanting to come sell turnips or come to the giveaway town?

    my FC is 0018-4180-4562 there are two people in the town right now but I will add your FC as soon as they leave or I reload the town.
    Come visit DupeTown anytime you see it on you list of towns. it is an open town.
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