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  • Yeah, kinda sucks.. People say it's an "Unprofessional" look. But meh, tbh I'd rather look cool/colorful and unprofessional than boring and ugly xD
    And I really do think it matters about the person more as well. Like, you'd rather have a lazy, rude b**** that looks 'normal' than a colorful person that gets stuff done and helps ppl out however they can??
    Just sucks I gotta live off of making art, sometimes I get lots of orders, then randomly for months I get nothing.

    What jobs are you wanting to look into?
    xD well good luck! I can't even get a job now, mostly cuz of my appearance I suppose.. but there's some jobs I'm sure you could get :3
    And that'd be great, haha, but only if you get some steady pay, would hate to make you broke lol.
    It's a unique combo, lol.
    Yeahh, just gotta get the money to get it done xD
    I'd prolly get the Arbok/MM one tbh, if I had to choose one ~
    Yeahhh, I am too ; ^;
    And thank you! I don't even remember how I started up on those, but Gardevoir and Zelda I made first. My bf wants to get a tattoo of that though, so it's not shown in many places, lol.
    Lucario and Ness would be very... different xD but would prolly be really cool to do!!
    Tbh, idk yet. I gotta look back at my thread again to see suggestions xD
    Though, I know some ppl said they'd easily pay 1k for some of them, I feel like that's so much though!! So I may do a range, depending on if it's realistic, cartoony, how much detail, or medium (pencil, colored pencil, watercolor, paint, etc) to determine the price.
    Idk if you saw my thread, but here's a link to my art, in case you'd like to suggest some prices. Would be really helpful! :3
    Ohh, no ; ^; since buying the supplies to make them costs lots of money, and it's kinda my only job, if I sold for TBT I'd end up going broke, lol. That'd kinda be bad since I'm trying to move > _<
    I may do mini figurines as giveaways if I get good business though. I'll also be opening a traditional art shop next week, which will have TBT option payments, but I know it's not as popular as my crafts seem to be, lol.
    What kind of iPhone do you have?
    Get Shou screen recorder. Type in in on the Internet. It works really well.

    Well full body takes me FOREVER, I'm super slow and lazy so full body + color are a little pricey
    I'm thinking maybe 500 tbt? I'm going off my thread asking about prices, I tryed to hit in the middle, but it's negotiable!
    Ahh I see xD. Well, it's nice to know I now have three people from Bell Tree that watch my videos haha.

    I record with Screencast O Matic, Shou, and my iPad :3
    aw tysm c,:
    I'm guessing you saw my post with my refs?
    (if not here's my imgur )
    I can do can do either waist up or full body sketches (colored or not colored) or completed waistup/ full body (colored or not)

    I don't have any set prices yet, but if you told me what you wanted I could come up with one for you c:
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