.: Meri :.

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  • Hi, Merielle. I know we don't chat with each other much, but I read your most recent post at the WBY thread and I hope you're okay. 😞
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    hey Shell, thank you 💙 I think I'm doing as okay as I can be—we're waiting to get the information we need right now but we'll probably be going to the hospital today to visit
    I'm so glad you brought up the Pokémon TCG contest! I have never entered before, so I might try my hand this year, but I was curious which Pokémon you picked. Kiwi showed me your lovely artwork of her characters and the Galarian Rapidash, and I am just in awe. Your artwork is great!
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    Ahh you should totally go for it!! ( ・∀・)b I feel like I learned a lot from entering back in 2021, and I only did two entries that time. I'm hoping to get the max of three completed this time—I've got a sketch done for Flygon, and while I'm not 100% decided yet I'm thinking about using Absol and Bidoof for my other two!
    And thank you so much!! ;w; I've been following your art thread for a little bit and I really love the stuff you do as well!
    OMG MERIELLE....i'm so honoured you visited my DA 🥺 i'm sorry for any mess you had to traverse to get to where the little halloween section i set up there. i wasn't smart enough to make a path there or to block anything off....LOL 💖
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    ahhh no problem, I really liked the setup you had there! ;v; 🎃 I found my way there pretty quickly too!
    OHHH I just noticed you have the Cursed status! What does it do? Are you cursing people, or were you a target?
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    I was a target (this time)! 😅 I think all it does is change your username font/color and make your pfp mostly transparent on the forums, which is pretty neat actually!
    Your avatar is just like, barely there... and it's throwing me for such a loop. LOL
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    I think it's the backdrop making it seem that way but it does look extra translucent for some reason LOL
    help i didn’t even notice you got cursed LOL. i saw one of your posts and was like where did their avatar go…
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    yeee we've both got that sick typewriter font username now 🖤 no but for real if they sold typewriter username font in the shop I'd buy it LOL
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    Reactions: Xara
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