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  • Hey! I just saw you were from Michigan also! How are you going to celebrate the 4th of July? Do you have illegals or legals?
    Oh Bravo, you're the best! There is no one else.
    Oh bravo! Our applause is not enough.
    Can you hear us yell out?
    On and on we go!
    I just read that Ben is leaving Skillet from your page. I have to say, I'm upset with the news, but I'll always love that guy and hope his pursuing other interests turns out to be successful.

    I must say, in all honesty, I don't believe they will find a guitarist as awesome as Ben.
    Yo errr. I have this random troll guy following me on all my threads being sexist and ****. Trying to make me to be a girl and using...Quite vulgar remarks which I feel are terrible...

    Can you sort it? Its not only annoying and boring..Its kinda creepy.
    It had to grow on me at first, as well, so I know what you're talking about. I was hoping for more songs similar to what they had on Innocence and Instinct, and End of Silence, to be honest. I really like Lie to Me, Who We Are, Not Alone, and Faceless.
    Or it could be pronouced Ha-keem. LOL.
    I like hacim better. It's cute.
    Also sounds like Hack em'.

    Gotta Hacim all!
    lol ok ill stop now.
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