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  • Oh wow. That's actually an extremely good offer for him. That really shows how much you want him! UuU
    That Walt raffle was really unfair. What was the point of even saying first come first served?
    *lurks on trading thread*
    just put this in the signature editor thing:
    Signature made by a potato

    But before the first IMG put a [ in front to make it be an actual picture. If you don't it will be a weird link thing.
    So basically it should look like this.
    Please let me know....
    Background: (Please give the link to the picture if you want a picture)
    Colors: (HTML codes. This site has a lot of colors and their codes. Click me!
    Optional: FC, Dream Address, town name, town fruit, character name, anything else

    And if you have any more dreamies
    I'll keep my eye out for you!
    Some cyclers on here require moderate to heavy proof of villagers such as Ankha or Marina so they don't get sold by someone.
    I can make you a signature with dreamies if you would like. :]
    Welcome to TBT!
    I hope you like it here!
    Just ask if you need help with anything!~
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