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  • That it does not, I should change it. It was jsut a reference to osmething at the Easter event
    Wait, didn't you make that dramatic "I'm leaving" post? Why are you back? I saw you make some thread, correct?

    (Sorry if I have the wrong person but I'm PRETTY sure it was you.)
    What. I've never been nasty to you. If I remember correctly, you've been starting conflicts with me on purpose, trying to make me upset. I'm sorry you're leaving but I don't think it's fair to be leaving because of me, who has done absolutely nothing to you. Also, I'm still dating Buttlet. Get over it.
    Okay, I'll order all of them today.
    Tomorrow I'll be able to take the 11 songs (Forest Life, K.K. Blues, K.K. Groove, K.K. Jazz, K.K. Mambo, K.K. March, K.K. Parade, K.K. Ragtime, Neapolitan, Steep Hill, Two Days Ago) to your village. I have nothing to do these days, so any time tomorrow will be okay.

    P.S. Hope I'm doing everything fine, I'm new here and I dunno if I'm missing out something, but if so, just let me know!
    Hiya! Walker is boxed up and ready to move~ added you and opening my gate now!
    I'm awfully sorry for those old two comments from before I understood how the tier list was supposed be used. I was so stupid then (still am, but not as much since I'm apologizing). I think I might've been in a very bad mood while I made those comments. I really regret saying them.
    I got a tasty cake from someone else so it all worked out!

    Hope you're have big a great first day of summer!
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