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  • Okay. I think the main problem is our timezone difference (an 8 hour gap if I'm not mistaken?), so it's noon for me right now, so by the time I'm home tonight around 5 or 6, you'll probably already be asleep. ^^' I'll leave them open tomorrow again, and if that doesn't work, then the weekend will be fine. ^^
    Ahhh DX There may have been a communication error. I'm really sorry! If you'd like to cancel my order or have me pay more for the trouble, that's fine. I'm sorry for the really lengthy order. ><
    Heya! I'm going offline for now but my gates should be open for you to drop off the order whenever. Feel free to drop by whenever... I'm afk anyway ^^
    hey can i get 5 of each: White Azalea, Pink Azalea, Blue Hydrangea, Pink Hydrangea?

    if you have Holly or Sweet Olive, 5 of them as well. thanks :)
    Sorry I missed your message, just let me know when you're back on :) However our timezones are very different haha
    Heya! Just letting you know that my gates will be open for the next 10 hours or so (I won't be around for all those hours but the gates will remain open), so you can deliver my order whenever you'd like! Tysm!
    im from the UK too so at least our time zones will be the same if you aren't available now! Give me a message once you've finished work c:
    No problem I assumed you were busy! Just give me a message when you're free today c:
    Hello! I'm ready now, you can pop over to my town with the items if it's easier! (All the blue hydrangea and 20cedar saplings just for a reminder lol) I think the total is 40tbt? I can send the trade once you're on the train c:
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