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  • I'm not sure if you're interested in Octavian or Willow though? Just in case I thought to mention, because I'm currently working on cycling them out.
    An auction I was apart of, and managed to win! Whenever you're here, I'll give you it.
    I want to learn Thai or Mandarin, but I know that Mandarin is going to be super taxing. But better now then later! And my username is "vitals" (without the quotations)!
    It really is an easy language to learn though. Less things to learn then the English alphabet! There's an add friends option, and you input "vitals" (that's username, then press add? I'm not entirely sure though, lol.
    I can read Hangul, but Korean... sighs.

    It's a 900+ page book, about a writer. It's pretty good... well, I mean that nicely. And don't have a kik, sorry! :c Haven't used kik in ages... But I use Line, or KKT instead.
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