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  • yeah these are why i won't do reservations in my cycle thread.... unless its for someone who has helped me out a lot
    lol.... people.... i know when i lurk I keep my promises and don't get distracted or i update if i'm struggling...
    Haha take your time. I am going to plot reset for mint then pick up hazel and Cally when I get home.
    Great! I'll be able to visit all day, or at least until 6-8pm your time :) (that will be 12-2 am for me) message me if the person before me don't make it! :)
    Okay! I am currently making sure I have enough for Poppy so I should be able to get Marshal after that. No rush though :D Also, I found a holder for Zucker. 3dew is hoping him so all is well so far! :D
    Haha I know it's so damn confusing. This game. I can't believe I went through so many villagers already haha.
    Hey if your ever free can I come to your cycle town and get some reg flowered please? I can pay.
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