• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Hi! I just realized that I voided Tucker a few days ago. You can still lurk for him of course. But I just wanted you to know that it could take a while before he shows up again! :)
    Sorry! I just got back from vacation yesterday and didnt have time to check here before then. I'll get started on your order soon, I've got lots of others too. Thanks! :)
    Hello~ You're currently on my RLC shop waiting list c: Some changes have occurred since you asked to be placed on the list so please go check and let me know if you're still interested in a slot! The store is not officially back open yet (as of me sending this message) but most of the examples are up and will be reopening soon. Here's a link: {x}

    I have Monty in boxes right now that I'm about to auto void if you want to pick him up really quick
    i have stuff you wanted from about a week go. not sure if you still want any of it. it was in a thread called 'closet cleanout'...
    Hmm I thought I gave you the concrete floor ;__; it's still on your list >.< or did you need more than one?
    Hmm idk, like 10 or 20 tbt? most of them were orderables so I don't want to charge you a lot.. =P
    I'll go open my gates ~ c: town: Dawn
    Let me know when you can pick up your items please c: I have like 40 or so orderables all laying in my town for you hahaha I'll be on and offline through out the day, but I check on my phone pretty often so yea c: shoot me a message!
    wishlist #2: LED & small LED display, electric kettle, large bookshelf, pipe organ, fireplace, turntable, & dream catcher c:
    Oki dokie.. guess it's time for me to clear out my storage rooms! haha I'll msg you again once I have some more! :3
    Thank you for the trade! Let me know if there is anything else you need/want from your list c:
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