Fuzzbyroo Mar 15, 2014 Sweet! I miss the times when we used to go to the Island together with Nikki x3 I still remember when I made us loose that fruit maze mini game XD
Sweet! I miss the times when we used to go to the Island together with Nikki x3 I still remember when I made us loose that fruit maze mini game XD
Fuzzbyroo Mar 15, 2014 Ah I see. When I get the chance I'll be sure to visit your dream town or maybe connect again sometime :3
Ah I see. When I get the chance I'll be sure to visit your dream town or maybe connect again sometime :3
Shirohibiki Mar 15, 2014 hey babe hey why is it so late already ): stop having a bedtime ok stay up till 6 with me
Fuzzbyroo Mar 15, 2014 Ah I see. I bet your town would have changed so much since I last visited XD You still had Mathilda last time lol! Do you have all of your dream villagers?
Ah I see. I bet your town would have changed so much since I last visited XD You still had Mathilda last time lol! Do you have all of your dream villagers?
Shirohibiki Mar 12, 2014 ay bb imma smooch ur face <33 pssst michelle says she wants to eat ur hair then nest in it
Yui Z Mar 11, 2014 Hey! I completely lost track of what I was paying you for the banners? Please could you re send me them? Sorry I've been really busy lately >.>
Hey! I completely lost track of what I was paying you for the banners? Please could you re send me them? Sorry I've been really busy lately >.>