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  • Forget that last message I sent you :eek: I just realized it looks smaller in the pm anyway
    doge has a message for you
    -drops wet paper on floor from mouth-
    it says she is going sleepy for a bit because shes really, really tired. therapy was exhausting.
    doge will see mistress when she wakes up <3 gomen
    HEHEEHEHEHE i laughed way too hard pbbbbb <33333333 youre so silly /smoochies forever

    ni ni bae uvu -snuggles up against- <333 see you tomorrow after therapy~
    im gnona spam you all ngiht if yoyu let me im so tierd
    lemme in bed w you goodnight /crawls under covers
    i taken you to dinner a million times /whines and lays on
    nevermind im sleeping on you, you restart my town for me
    i love you babe y0y
    no seriously i wANT IT STOP GOIGN TO BED SO EARLY im tired sobs
    let me rest my head in your lap )':
    Yeah I'm sure. It's really easy to order things on AC and the bells weren't even
    enough to fuss over so I don't see a point in overpricing things. lol Do you mind
    if I come to your town to deliver it though? o uo

    Also, I have a black wet suit if you need it. u v u"
    (I'm not a stalker lol)
    Your inbox is full haha xD I don't wanna send you a long message through VM
    im mad i didnt get my song today
    youre not to leave the house tomorrow dO YOU UndERSTAND
    So am I man. It all makes sense. Its clear. Right down to the two talking animals he had the pleasure of mysteriously dealing with that I forgot to mention.
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