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  • Me either. They don't know how it feels sometimes, like... Just how bad it can get. Just blocking them and ignoring them sometimes really isn't enough. In fact, why do we even teach people to just "block" someone if they're being rude? Sure, it'll stop them bullying you (or not, if the person manages to get around it), but who's to say the bully won't find another bully to pick on? We should teach kids more to STOP cyber bullying and learn how damaging it is, rather than just saying "ignore it", because you can't exactly ignore your feelings, can you? Bah, I don't know. I could go off on a whole rant about it, because some of the people on that thread just really angered me. They should just step into someone's shoes for a while and see what it feels like for themselves. But gosh, now with all of this talk about the Lego Movie, you make me want to watch it again. :( It did really have quite a happy message at the end, although the... "Plot twist" as such was definitely not expected!
    Not a problem! I just was kind of fed up of people just making out cyber-bullying as some sort of joke or that it's not "proper bullying" or that people are being "too sensitive". I've been told I'm too sensitive all the time, it's just stupid and really agitates me, so I just wanted to speak out, for once, and I'm glad that I hopefully managed to speak out for many others, too. I'm glad I managed to restore your hope, too! And yes, I absolutely love the Lego Movie! It seemed kind of boring from the trailers, but I have to admit, it made me laugh out loud more than once, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It had a lot of adult themes in it too, which was quite surprising for a kids film, but nonetheless, really enjoyable to watch. Good Cop is so cute! ^^
    Thanks so much, that's a very kind thing for you to say, and it made my day! Also, I love the Lego Movie gifs you've been posting on your profile. <3
    Wooow it's so perfect <3 as I wanted *-*
    For pay, hmm I'm available all the day so when you're available, send me a visitor message :D
    Thanks so much for the art. I adore it.
    I'll be able to pay you later as i have school soon. I'll let you know when I'm available, though!
    Just wanted to say thank you so much! Would be OK if I use the imagine in a signature I'm getting made?
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