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  • I know it's past your bedtime, but take a gander when you awaken, preferably without spectacles lol:
    OMG RENN!!! I absolutely love it she looks amazing, you didn’t need to spend so much time on her but I appreciate it so much! I love it 😭😭 tysm!! ❤️❤️❤️
    Your drawing of my cleric looks divine 😭 TYSM MOCHA ILOVEIT 💙
    Awww blink tysm!! It’s not my best piece of work but I tried, you have so much artistic talent I hope to be able to draw as beautifully as you one day!! ❤️
    🌸Happy cherry blossom season🌸

    hope you will enjoy the eastern break 🐰 🌸 🥚 🌸
    Thank you so much friend!! I hope you have a lovely Easter - cherry blossom season is one of my favourites in ac ☺️ excited for the egg hunt too! Also that reminds me I need to reply to your pm!! Will get round to that later tonight!
    • Love
    Reactions: Sara?
    I had a hunch it could be one of your fav season so really happy to hear you are enjoying yourself 🌸💜🌸!

    Take your time, dont worry at all, just wanted to wish you a lovely break ☺
    • Love
    Reactions: mocha.
    You are so sweet! I hope you have a lovely break too 😊😊❤️
    • Love
    Reactions: Sara?
    Hello! I want to make an art for you, do you have a OC (preferably male but anything is ok)?
    • Love
    Reactions: mocha.
    🥺 thats so kind of you!!
    unfortunately I don’t have many OC’s, but you can see them on toy house Here! Thank you so much! 💕 do you have any characters? I’m happy to do an art trade!
    • Love
    Reactions: mocha.
    Omg.. I think she was made for me, I love witches!! I’m more than happy to draw her ☺️❤️ Will post it in my thread once im done!
    ur collectible lineup is looking great! did u enjoy the fair?
    • Love
    Reactions: mocha.
    I enjoyed it, especially when I tried to ignore the stress of deadlines! XD
    • Love
    Reactions: mocha.
    Hahaha I bet!! I’m so excited for any fall events that might be coming up, I wonder if there’ll be more collectibles!!
    hopefully! i need some more spooky collectibles 🥺🖤

    im very bad at responding to these ahh
    oh hey there, somehow missed the notif, thanks so much for the follow!
    Ahh no problem lovely!! c: how are you doing?
    been doing good! a bit stressed about some adulty stuff but I'll be back to being a student soon so... not sure what's better haha
    Oh no I know the feeling! I go back to college in a few weeks and I don’t think I’m ready for it haha. We’ll get through it together!
    I wanted oranges as well but I settled for cherries! Didn’t know about native flower and now I’m sad I’m stuck with roses. But it’s fine :’D I gotta say keeping a blog is helping me not time travel. Then again I feel like the beginning stages always have so much to each day that I don’t feel the need to just yet. I did that for NL too, where I TT’d only after playing the first few weeks naturally. That’s good you’re enjoying it now! I got Quillson as a smug and I’m RRRR not happy but I’m not gonna micromanage villagers this time so I’ll just wait until he leaves :D
    Thank you!! I actually hate my layout LOL. And I didn't even get the fruit I wanted :'D But I'm distracting myself by landscaping the flatter areas before I unlock terraforming ;) It's been fun playing that way so far! How is your journal coming along?
    Ok! I'm online now for a while and also added your other FC! Let me know when
    you are available again. :)
    Ah, very sorry! For some strange reason, I didn't got a notification for your VMs and
    was afk afterwards. ;-; I have to go offline now because of dinner. Do you have maybe
    later time? I would send you a VM then when I'm online again. Sorry again!
    No, that's my current FC. I don't have another FC. I also checked if I typed in your
    FC right and it is right. :s
    I don't see your town. :/ Also, I think you didn't add my FC yet (at least according to my
    FC list)?
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