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  • Hey sorry I was busy for a bit, I can trade whenever until 8pm est or tomorrow around 4 pm est
    Alright, I'll open my gates once you send the TBT!! The pink roses will be gathered near my train station!
    Gah, looks like your gate is closed. XD It's no problem, I will just try to keep checking back. Or, you can let me know a specific time, and I can try to be online then. :)
    I can't find 1 of my bushstarts, so do you mind if I throw in a normal sapling to make up for it? :)
    np, I feel like we did some business before but its in my main town this time so just please make sure you add my main fc (the one in my profile and on my picture signature)
    It's okay, no worries at all! I was away for awhile, but I'm back now c: let me know when you're available
    Hi~ Sorry for the delay >< If you still want the chocolate cake and hearts, let me know so that I put them on hold for you. Thanks! c:
    I have to head out in a minute - I'll be back at 7:30 EST (GMT-5), not sure how our time zones overlap but I feel so bad about forgetting 5-6 items, just let me know whenever you're available so I can bring them to you ♥
    OMG I just realized I forgot a few items! I can come back over and give them to you whenever you're ready, sorry about that :C
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