Rococo Nov 16, 2014 Hey, the person who wanted those balloons canceled their order, so you can have those balloons for 200k now. Just tell me when you want to visit.
Hey, the person who wanted those balloons canceled their order, so you can have those balloons for 200k now. Just tell me when you want to visit.
Damniel Nov 14, 2014 I'll be ready in a little bit just rounding everything up! I'll let you know when I'm ready
momiji345 Nov 12, 2014 Am really sorry but its to confusing for me, i don't want to buy the item any more,its getting to frustrated for me. Thank you and sorry
Am really sorry but its to confusing for me, i don't want to buy the item any more,its getting to frustrated for me. Thank you and sorry
Yumeko Nov 12, 2014 No I mean.. did the person you visited had 10 villagers at the time you visited her/him?
Yumeko Nov 12, 2014 Hmm.. could you visit a town with 10 villagers then, pls? I would really appreciate it