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  • Oh wait, if I find someone to hold bells for you , do you want to come to me and take your bells back and then transfer over someone else? or?

    Do you just want someone to come over and take your bells in put it in their bank? ^^"

    Do you want me to find someone to hold bells for you or do you want to find someone yourself since you might feel you don't want a specific person holding the bells and you should contact them first?
    Aw dear I can't possibly take all your bells that you worked so hard on getting! I'll find someone soon to hold your bells c: x
    So sorry I couldn't hold your bells longer dearie x___x
    I might still be around tomorrow in case you have reply or I will just go inactive not sure when I will be free again.
    I am going to be unactive in AC soon cause so I want to ask if you re going to get your things back or ask someone else to hold it? I not sure if I will even have time for here anymore...
    Hey monochrom3, I think i'll be getting back to landscaping now or tomorrow, so I'll probably have to ask someone else to hold your bells. :/

    But I need your permission first before asking someone else to hold your bells, so if you want to find someone else or you want me to find someone and i'll link you to their profile to see if you want that person to hold for you, sure, so I hope you reply back soon. Sorry for rushing you , but I really need ot get back to my town and I need to remove the bells soon dear :I
    Hello dear, did you happen to find a map today?
    Today marks 8 days, and I usually can't hold items longer than 7 days D:
    I'm not comfortable putting other people's bells in my bank, I feel like I'm going to take out less when giving it back. ;__;

    And I'm actually a tad lazy to to put all the bells in and then take it out :C (true life dilemmas).

    Ah, I guess I'll store it on my ground for longer. ;-;
    How much longer would you like me to hold your bells for dear? o:

    edit: I'm sorry, I'll need to get back to landscaping by Sunday. x__x
    Heya! Just a notification~
    tomorrow will mark 7 days, so tomorrow will be the last day I am able to hold your bells ^~^ <3
    I need to get back to landscaping right after your bells are picked up! so just drop me a message and we can schedule a time for you to pick up :)
    Congratulations in getting a new good map and villagers =D I will be off for dinner awhile if you need to take your things I will be around later =D
    Oh okie no problem xD already left the bells at the same spot (first tree beside the railway) xD I have to get back to work now~
    Opening gates now ^~^

    When you're done, you can just leave through station, i'll close gates so noyone else will come in c:
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