abelsister Mar 25, 2015 Alright, ill message you when I get home! Do you happen to also have the lovely carpet, lovely wall, and lovely phone? If not, its completely fine!
Alright, ill message you when I get home! Do you happen to also have the lovely carpet, lovely wall, and lovely phone? If not, its completely fine!
leeaboo Mar 23, 2015 Yeah that's no problem! Thanks so much Let me know when you're ready and I'll open up. Thanks again!
leeaboo Mar 23, 2015 Oh gosh! I think I actually messed up and accidentally deleted your vm?? I'm sorry about that! I'm free now though if you would like to come over! Don't worry about the music box
Oh gosh! I think I actually messed up and accidentally deleted your vm?? I'm sorry about that! I'm free now though if you would like to come over! Don't worry about the music box
SenYen Mar 22, 2015 I am around now ^_^ Sorry I was super busy yesterday. I will be around all day today, probably!
spacedog Mar 21, 2015 hi bon bonne, im free now so whenever youre ready i can drop off your wetsuit =)
spacedog Mar 21, 2015 hiya, ill msg you a bit later about the pink swimsuit; i have someone in my town atm