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  • Sorry i already promised her to someone else D:

    but what do you need to talk about? just PM me ;D
    Ah, I'm currently playing kirby with my sister haha, it would be nice to vist tomorrow though cause I wanna see where your villagers are : >
    I also started cycling villagers earlier but Julian didn't move so I'm planning on getting him out tomorrow hopefully ^^
    Oops! Sorry, mate. Went to go back to school shopping and won't be home for a while. (On mobile rn)
    Okay, thank you for letting me know. I'll send your bells back now!

    That's okay with me ~
    Send me his fc again. I've been deleting fcs lately since I've been running out of space ;-;
    We could play later if that's cool with you c:
    It's 8 in the morning where I live and I'm still pretty sleepy
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