bodhirookandor Aug 23, 2018 (also, after i get him, are you gonna be tt'ing to your original date/time? jw bc if u are i'll tt until hes all moved in!)
(also, after i get him, are you gonna be tt'ing to your original date/time? jw bc if u are i'll tt until hes all moved in!)
bodhirookandor Aug 23, 2018 yes i will Absolutely take marcel for 10tbt. bless u. pm whenever hes ready
Markiemania95 Aug 22, 2018 Thanks so much again for your patience! Are you available to trade now? I'll probably be online for the next 2 hours or so.
Thanks so much again for your patience! Are you available to trade now? I'll probably be online for the next 2 hours or so.
Jolly_Jedi Aug 21, 2018 No charge for the straw boater, pinafore, white leather shoes and white socks. I also ordered them but wont have most of them until tomorrow. You can also come over and take as much fruit as you want!
No charge for the straw boater, pinafore, white leather shoes and white socks. I also ordered them but wont have most of them until tomorrow. You can also come over and take as much fruit as you want!
C C Candyland791 Aug 20, 2018 What happened? Somehow I lost all my stuff that you gave me and was in my town again.. I hope that you've got your gold rod back..
What happened? Somehow I lost all my stuff that you gave me and was in my town again.. I hope that you've got your gold rod back..