MardyBum Apr 6, 2016 Hi, im online now. Sorry i took a bit, i went out to dinner. But im available now if you still need me to hold Beau
Hi, im online now. Sorry i took a bit, i went out to dinner. But im available now if you still need me to hold Beau
MardyBum Apr 6, 2016 Yes definitely im working right now, but ill be home in about 5hrs. Idk if you could wait? Lmk
MardyBum Apr 6, 2016 If you still need someone to help with holding Beau, I can hold him in my second town. Lmk
ReiraEvenstar Apr 2, 2016 I keep missing you! I will check back a few more times. I will be on tonight around 7:30 central time until 8:30 or so. Sorry we keep missing each other
I keep missing you! I will check back a few more times. I will be on tonight around 7:30 central time until 8:30 or so. Sorry we keep missing each other