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  • Yeah, I more or less only played casually and collected rare 'mons so yeaaah that's why I hated then Gen VII games. And how hard it was to get some evolution items as well, you had to play the dumb battle trees and towers.. ugghh :( And the fact that they hid ir ran slow on old consoles.

    I meant spotpass lol I'm such a derp. But yeah I hated it was so reliant on that and yeah confusing story and meh characters for JRPG in general. I think a friend of mine back then had it so we could play but eeeh yeah the first sucked.
    Yeah, I WT a lot, and also bought Pokémon on here so I got pretty pissed on that since I don't give a hoot about iv/ev at all, I just like to play casually and s/m and usum ruined that for me.

    Yeah, I played the first when it released and I was like.. uhh why is this game so circling and dependent on SP so I kinda deleted it since I had i digital by then lol. And yeah I think it was some battle skill thing it relied a lot on :/
    Yeah I can do that. :p
    I'm in the process of hatching the Close Combat Pinsif btw so i should get it all ready in an hour or so depending if I can get a perfect IV on HP. :eek:
    Btw do you prefer a Male or Female Pinsir?
    Ah. I remember when I played Sun, I got like 6 random bunch of lv. 100 trained pokemons from here and yeah just let them run around in the elite 4 since for some ass reason you could only get other pokemons up to level 80 to obey.. what the ****? wasn't it always level 100 after last badge etc.?

    Cool :) Never liked BD because of its confusing storyline and heavily being dependent on streetpass :c
    I used to be, but yeah two latest batch of game, no, no. I hated USUM because of their difficulty screw-up once you got to Poni Island, but yeah each to their own lel.

    Turn-based strategy lel. And yeah I used to be a huge retro gamer like, idk 4-5 years ago but yeah there are some games from those series I like.
    Hi I just realized I have given you the wrong Squirtle. D: I have the one that is 5IVd and has Modest. I'll just give it for Free as an apology and will send 10 bells as well.
    Yeah, I loved Pokémon up until current Gen VI, last years' games were crap sadly. I also like animal crossing obviously, even though i only played ww, nl, hhd, and pc now :3

    Civilization V is probs the game I put most hours into, it's a+ if you like TBS games.
    Yeah I mean I haven given stuff to friends sometimes, etc. so I'm not a capitalist that much I guess but yea.

    Oh, wow tough one actually. But early Spyro games (up until they ruined it with A New Beginning), and Rollercoaster Tycoon, and RCT2. 3 sucked in my opinion. In later years I really loved the Civilization series too, especially V.
    Thanks and yeah if I were more rich I probably could have given games and consoles as well, but yeah, need to survive.

    Ah, that's even more sweet and yeah if it was something old like it I probably would have given them away as well if they couldn't afford it.
    Yeah, indeed. And then the human intention calls for scalping other people rather than like, helping or giving away for free what you don't use.

    I give clothes and toys on a somewhat regular basis to charity shops and stuffs unless they are like consoles I need money for. But there is no reason at all to scalp random mainstream games or game cards >>
    well you are right, like cheapest set of 6 i've seen are like $100-120 unless you get really lucky :(

    but yeah lol like, at least reprint them ninty like you did with JP WA cards
    ikr lol! like.. bruh stop charging fees :(

    ah, don't think i have them but yeah i can see they being scammer prices like that..bruh

    oh god like i got mine for like idk less than $10 each for sure lmao
    Crap I forgot to give you the Heavy Ball. Lemme give it to a Pokemon and ask for a Trade Request again. :)
    I can trade now! I have your FC added so I'll go onto the Festival Plaza in Moon now. :)
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