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  • I always like main entries no matter what.

    But for you, you are the third winner of an apple favorite.
    yaaaasssss. If you didn't see it in the theater you're in for a treat!

    I'm working on my main coloring challenge rn. Probably won't win anything either, but hey we tried!
    It'll prob take quite a while to get it completely set up, but I've got one of my characters on there rn if you want to check it out! clicky clicky
    ayy I finally opened them, feel free to post refs of your characters in the thread when you get a chance ^^
    yoooo I'm planning on opening up art trades later today! if you're still interested I can put you on the list before I open them, since you've been waiting so long haha ;)
    yeah, that was odd. the background changed to a winter theme and everyones bells and collectibles disappeared for a while there, too
    thanks for your interest but I don't take art requests;; I do commissions sometimes though, so keep an eye out!
    I will draw each character for 5 bucks, however, I do not draw in an anime style. It is really cutesy
    i didnt see your other VM two hours ago but i definitely want to draw your ocs! for now i must leave, i have something i need to go to (or rather should already be at) whooops
    I couldn't see the pictures of your mayor :(
    Could you describe the clothes they had in game/hair style etc?
    hhh im insecure about it but maybe if i finish some people's ocs you could see those
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