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  • Yeah the issue is that i can't access my PGL account (forgot my username, not to mention my password!) and i'm too lazy to create a new email to make a new account.
    Yeah i'm just trying to rack up bells to buy the house collectibles i need. (Also to get a shiny gallade to run mega evolved once the stone is released)
    Selling a jpeg (collectible), I could've been an elite had i sold all the eggs and stuff i had conveniently got from a rapid spree of giveaways, but i used them to get my shiny bisharp lol
    Aw I'm sorry if the Darkrai can't be traded. D:
    I had received it from Trade from ORAS but idk why it doesn't allow it to be traded here. :(
    I'll see if the Bottle Cap was the problem. :eek:
    I'm really, really sorry if the Darkrai can't be traded. :(

    It can be put on GTS btw. D:

    If you want I could give you a Shiny Cottonee and Shiny Lapras. :eek:
    Hmm it says there is an issue with Darkrai...
    I'll try removing the Bottle Cap and then try again. :eek:
    I can trade now! :D
    So sure you can give me that FC!

    Btw my FC is 2363-7048-9404 :)
    aww hehe i think that even if other people are amazing at art that doesn't mean you should give up altogether! a quote i heard a while ago that is talking about beauty/self esteem kind of applies here as well "the presence of another person's beauty doesn't mean the absence of your own!"

    if you do want to reopen your art shop, then maybe you should, because even if other people are talented, you're talented as well! :blush:
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