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  • No no, I should have considered your heath. You stated you weren't feeling well last time. Dx
    Sorry for my impatience. Just take your time getting well and I'll see you later. :')
    Next time though, just make sure you have the time to do a transaction and talk things through.
    Communication is key, and if it that doesn't go through, neither party is happy.
    Also, when you say you're ready, give me about 5 minutes. Leaving me out of the blue all the time leaves me a little upset. :'( I spent 15 minutes with my game open waiting for a comment. Just tell me when "your" gates are open. It'll work better that way.
    If it doesn't work out, just send the 10tbt back. :'(
    You keep saying you're ready and then you go offline.
    Sorry if I'm being impatient with you.
    But stop leaving me half conversation.
    If you're busy, just tell me.
    Sorry again for typing a spiel out at you.
    Ok, I'm ready to pick up my items. I was just having someone over and I didn't know how long it would be. :')
    Omg haha no worries I wasn't ignoring you or anything! It was just a lot of jargon and I wanted to look it all up! ;) I'm doing really well! Because I have more time during the summer, my family and I are doing a lot of fun outdoorsy things. Last night we ate at an outdoor restaurant and it was really relaxing. I think I like peaceful, nonsense days the most haha. How are you doing? Have you done anything fun lately?
    haha so cool- i'll make sure to play with you if i get the game because it'll be an honor to be friends with such a high ranked player hehe ;)
    xD I see that misspost! Sigh, I am guilty of it on too many occasions...And thanks for giving me that person! I just caught on a little too late and they only had a select few left. The other people ask for outrageous prices for single cards to! 55 dollars for marshal???! I'm definitely keeping my baby right where he is in my town >.< Also, just message back when you're ready to drop the items over. My town is still a bit of a mess, but if you have time, walk around my place. :'D
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