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  • Landorus
    Hitmon top
    Hitmon chan

    Those are still avaible.
    for me, your donut with the pokemon gif doesn't work unless im in the forums, too :p
    Yeah, I check pretty regularly. I'm pretty sure I recognize most of the lurkers by now. *wink wink
    Gotta go offline, but you'll be bound to see me pop up as always.
    I'm sorry, but it will have to be tomorrow. My dad is making me and my sister go shopping with him. What time is good for you? I'm good Central Time at 2pm for sure.
    Hey, uh, how did you get your avatar to animate in the forums lol? I purchased the the add-on for it in the shop and yet my gif won't work
    Ahhh, stop apologizing. Worst case scenario is you get the items tomorrow. Doesn't seem too bad. I only feel bad that some of your items got sold. :'( I'll start implementing the on hold on a later selling thread.
    It's all good. Thanks for doing that actually. I should have been more prepared though. Those items are spread across 4 different characters, so I have to constantly check who is holding what.
    Oh, thank you! And, if ahousar97 added you while your gates were open, you won't appear on her list. You'll need to close and open again.
    Hi, did you send the 25 TBT? If so, I didn't seem to get the PM for it.. But if you did, please excuse my false accusations! Ahhh crap. (ToT) I messed up didn't I. I'll start gathering your stuff. I actually haven't seen the edit you've done yet, so it'll still be a lil bit. But you are next!
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