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  • thank u for the list! and besides the ones that are to be kept unchanged (minus the clones of em) you want the rest to be shiny right?
    last trade was crabominable!

    is it ok with you if i head offline for a few now? i'll be back in like a half hour tops
    okay! and when you say untouched do you mean keeping the nature and ivs the same or just the shiny part? :eek: i think i got a lil confused by that and i wasn't sure if i did your turtonator right T_T
    okay yeah i was just gonna say send me a list of everything again when we're done so i don't forget c,:
    sure i could do a few more! after this trade i gotta get off for a few to do a small errand though, but i'll be available for the rest of the night after that, or tomorrow if that's inconvenient for ya
    nah, but thank u tho!! (my time on here varies so much honestly :p)

    and i'm all done with everything now!
    all right! (me, a big dumb, thought i was still online but i disconnected lol, give me a min!)
    so that's 3 total turtonator right :eek: (two shiny, one original)

    and ok i'll be in the plaza o7
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