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  • i was about to say, he can't adopt him :/ and uh.. not sure what kind of time travel problem he would be having.. unless his game is corrupted
    i'm pretty sure they come from all the amiibo rv's, i know that they're in reese's and cyrus', and lottie's as well for sure
    i'm pretty sure they come from all the amiibo rv's, i know that they're in reese's and cyrus', and lottie's as well for sure
    sorry, you told me to vm lol, do you have the 3ds and wii u consoles? I still need them and I can pay you 5 tbt each :blush:
    You may not have 'cuz you're still not an 'official friend' :eek: And I rechecked your FC 'n all ^^'
    Right, let's do it! I'll buy 4 visits (Whether I use all 4 or not is irrelevant XD) so shall I send you the Bells now?
    Hey there! I'm home and should be for the whole evening! :) I'll have to have dinner at some point but just let me know when I can visit =D
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