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  • I've considered contacts, but i just look without glasses now. I've been wearing them ever since i was 7 from an accident that injured my eye.
    You understand my pain, having glasses are annoying but it's better than contacts in my opinion.
    Sometimes i do that, but i don't put my glasses on and just have my screen right in my face.
    I usually just take a shower when I wake up to try and get me fully awake, but sometimes the water just calms me down and makes me even more drowsy...
    I really hate it when I do that, I'm just making more problems for myself in the end.
    Sometimes I forget to do my assignments the day before they're due so I stay up later in order to do them, so I only get 4 hours sometimes.
    I spend most of my time just sleeping, it's just so nice to sleep more than 6-7 hours a day.
    Yes ever since we were born, we've all been dying but I'd rather live longer to enjoy life(even though I spend most of it sleeping and on the Internet).

    So what do you usually do on your free time?
    Hmm, I feel that anything we do nowadays negativity effects our bodies and enviormrnt.
    Yeah but I tend to not trust all the lab made stuff when all these cancers and dieseases are being linked to artificial foods.
    Blue raspberries are even a thing, it's pretty scary When you think of how artical crap we eat is.
    Chocolate pretzels are really good, any thing with chocolate I really like to be honest.
    I love sweets, although I prefer spicy food more, I tend to put hot sauce on any food I find bland tasting haha.
    Back then I used to eat anything junk food, now I only eat enough to keep me alive. I only like macaroons now for sweets.
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