Mr. Cat

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  • Hello, let me know if you're still interested in trading TBT for IGB. I've been busy due to classes and work so i apologize for the delayed reply.
    No worries! I already sold the Hero's Boots a while back, sorry! Is 300-400k bells okay with you for the shoji screen?
    Thanks! Now I have all the items to finish off the last room in my house~
    I can cheat to my hearts content for a cute villager now
    Really? Acnl really likes to mess up with joining sometimes :(
    I'll close my gates do you wanna try opening yours and see if I can come?
    ok gates are open~!
    Are you sure it's ok for it to be free tho? and sorry I'll close the connection off right after you've given it to me as I'm currently cheating for cute villagers now Kody's about to leave
    If you're online I can go into my town now~
    Would you like to open your gates or should I open mine?
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