Mr. Cat

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  • gate open! please come! If I end session afterwards, please excuse me since there are people in line!
    For sure! :D FC is 3866 8283 8236 And are you sure you don't want any bells?
    hi! I'm online now if you want to come sell your turnips. I have 2 other people who might come but am waiting to hear back. also, that would be awesome! I'm always looking to add new best friends to my list :D
    I'll be online most of the day even though my profile says I'm not. So let me know when you're available and I'll respond asap.
    Ugh, I know. My brother is doing better now, though-he just (finally) moved out of my parents' house last week and he's just so happier. :) I hope your boyfriend and you don';t have to deal with such toxic environments for much longer.
    I'm okay for now, but I really appreciate the sentiment! Same to you-if you need to chat I'm absolutely here ^^
    Hey, I posted in your thread for mushrooms but I don't think you saw it. How many and what kinds are you looking for? I have a bunch just laying around my town. I'm not using them so they'll be free. Just get back to me when you can. I understand that you're under a lot of stress.
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