Mr. Cat

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  • "I can give you 10 black roses for 4 Orange tulips, and 6 Orange roses
    Also buying 12 olive/7holly starts for 38 tbt"

    I'm available for trade now!
    Okie so:

    6 purple roses for 6 pink cosmos
    2 blue hydrangeas for 2 pink hydrangeas

    I'll be available in 5 hours c:
    Hey! I unfortunately did not get Lopez. :c However, are you still looking for Coco? I actually have her in a town I'm planning on resetting. Would you like her for say.. 90 tbt? c:
    Oh! I was refreshing on your thread page lol. Didn't think you'd send me a VM lol.
    Anyway, I've added you. ^_^
    He 20 tbt
    And let me finish transferring some few item
    And I log in to sunlyn so you can grab him
    I left your things on the right of the town hall. I added a few extras for ya :) thanks for ordering
    Aww, dang. D: I guess I can try that though! I won't know until a little later because I'm picking him up with my cycle town and waiting for someone to respond about a villager.
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