Annemalcrossing Feb 11, 2014 Hey, I don't because no one seemed to want her so I just decided to keep her!
plastercannon Feb 9, 2014 You can have the paula and queenie pic for the beautiful statue. or paula and stitches, since i have two of those
You can have the paula and queenie pic for the beautiful statue. or paula and stitches, since i have two of those
P P PapaRock6969 Feb 9, 2014 Absolutely. I just got done gathering all those other requests and hope to deliver shortly. I will Gather your as soon as possible and get back to you after I check your thread as well, thnx
Absolutely. I just got done gathering all those other requests and hope to deliver shortly. I will Gather your as soon as possible and get back to you after I check your thread as well, thnx
Afterlight Feb 9, 2014 Hi I'm on Too bad we keep missing each other. I guess we're in opposite timezones..
heirabbit Feb 8, 2014 Gates are open. I got confused with another thread and assumed you would open your gates. Sorry. :3
heirabbit Feb 8, 2014 Sorry for my ridiculously late reply. I'll be ready whenever you are to collect Punchy and Antonio's pic.
Sorry for my ridiculously late reply. I'll be ready whenever you are to collect Punchy and Antonio's pic.
ALLCAPS Feb 8, 2014 Gate opened! It's Lairep from Towney. :3 Dropped the pictures at the front of the station.