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  • Mr_Keroppi
    omg I love this so much! Its so cute! The froggy doing random stuff in the background and the ADORABLE KNITT JUMPER THEY MADE JUST 👌💚 I LOVE THIS THANK YOU FOR SHOWING THIS TO ME My life is now forever changed
    Thanks again for the bells and the nice message! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
    Thanks for the well wishes Keroppi, I needed it! Thanks for being thoughtful, and most of all for being you. ❤️
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    I am happy to have made you smile! I am so happy to be able to help so many people stay happy!!! You are amazing! 💚💚💝
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    Reactions: Plume
    Thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes! And bells. You are so kind <3 May you have a wonderful week.
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    Reactions: Mr_Keroppi
    Thank you for the compliment and I hope you have an equally amazing week!! THANKIES! ✨✨
    Thank you for the super kind Wednesday message Mr Kerropi!! I hope you have a happy Wednesday :D
    Hii, I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing! :]
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    Reactions: Mr_Keroppi
    Im fine!!! Just having a TON end of school year work and working on peoples signatures, making some vocaloid avatars i'll release soon, playing ACNL and Splatoon with Gigii! How are you?? 💚
    OK Keroppi!.gif
    I am fine, I have some final exams for June so my teachers are preparing us. I'm a little nervous because I never had a ministry exam (I think its called) in my previous years, for some reason covid just cancelled it. But apparently it's like the mid-terms we had in December!
    You sound very busy!! At least summer is around the corner! I plan on getting a job so I can have money for a driver's license and to pay off a future student debt! :D I can't wait for swimming and hanging out with my friends! What are your summer plans?
    Oh that sounds fun! I had my tests recently. They got cancelled by covid last year and the year before but normally we take those big assessments! Thats very good that you can get a job and all those great things! I will probably just stay at home and play games, draw, and more. I actually am on summer break next friday! Technically the actual start is the 23rd but we dont have anymore assignments after next friday. Im in online school still but next year I get to go back to in person!!!! Thank you so much for checking on me c:
    Thank You Keroppi!.gif
    Thank you so much for the purple candy!! It was a nice surprise to wake up to the other day. I love your message, and the date is great for my lineup too!
    I really admire how cheerful you are on tbt, and it meant a lot getting one from you :lemon:
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    Reactions: Mr_Keroppi
    Your super welcome! Thank You so much! I am so glad to have made a happy difference and that you have an even cuter line up! Its gorge! 💚💚🐸
    ahh I was so busy yesterday, but your message and the bells were really sweet and joyous as always 🥺 thank you so much!! I hope you had a happy thursday as well, and that your friday is even better! 🐸 the week is finally through! any fun plans this weekend?
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    Reactions: Mr_Keroppi
    Your super welcome! I am happy that I brought you joy!!! I had an amazing day and today will be happy too! My parents have a friend coming over for the first time in 2 years so yay! I have been cleaning alot and my parents told me they will buy me a Wii Sports Club game! I hope you have been super duper happy!!! 💚💚💚💚💚🐸🐸
    ooh my brother just got that! it's been really fun so far, I hope you enjoy!! all of the sports on it have been really good. but it sounds like a fun weekend ahead, and it's so nice you're helping out your parents! thank you!! I hope you've been super duper happy too! 💚💚
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