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  • And please remind me which 2 furniture items of the Zodiac Set you needed c: I ordered them all and can't remember which to bring over.
    I don't know if I'll be online in 45 mins and I'd prefer trades to be in my town >.< Are you sure you can't right now?
    Did you get the PM I sent an hour or so ago? I thought I sent it but it didn't appear in my sent items folder :c
    Awe! Glad he's doing well!!! Kk I has to get via trade, there's a link on the internet showing how to get his pic but I haven't tried it. I have no clue about the brothers though I know you have to have the reset center which I don't have. So sorry I'm not any help on that matter!!!
    Your order of all the streetpass balloons is ready! There are 24 in total I believe (bunny, heart, and regular balloons = 8 colors each type). The total is 480k:)
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