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  • Hi just wanted to say i keep seeing your signature around the forums and i love the style, i really like your drawings :)
    Your Avatar is cool too
    I have an empty slot so ill head your way in a moment, let me switch cartridges. :D
    Haha hopefully it doesn't happen!

    That's crazy @_@ People will go nuts for what they really want lol

    Um.... I think they leave by their bedtime or by midnight of that day. They leave immediately when someone picks them up. You can still keep her around if you keep resetting the time back before the next day, I think. I'm really not wholly sure though, sorry. :/

    You should probably get some sleep, too. I remember going on 2 all-nighters, and that messed me up terribly >.<
    End time is probably when buyout is hit :p

    Wake-up time is such a blessing and a curse lol: more people flock to your thread, but more people are also there to take potential villagers from you.

    I don't even know why I'm up this early, because on a normal basis, I should still be sleeping.
    Aha, and I have Marina anyway xD

    Do you want to buy her? I literally have 2k left xD Nook's homes have been ripping me off lately :rolleyes:
    Hey, I noticed you want Mitzi. I have four normals and I think it's about time for her to leave. I'm hoping to get another villager in return or sell her and I'm wondering who you have for trade :3
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