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  • Hi MTurtle! Congrats on the Isabelle card! ^.^
    I'm so jealous
    I don't really play my Tomodachi Life that much anymore (When my girlfriend and best friend started to have babies I kinda lost it) so I would gladly trade with you! My game is technically used but I still have the case and can probably ship it tomorrow or Thursday! It's up to you if you want to trade :D
    You're welcome ^__^! I have been sleeping better lately for the last two days, just sleep by 5-6 am and wake up noon-2 LOL it works somehow xD
    Nuuuuuuuuuu hope you get that 3DS, I would love that game sometime in the next 2 years haha; but more importantly my to-get list is Zelda Wii U+Fire Emblem Fates darn 2016 release 8'D
    Sorry about your 3DS I have had mine nearly 3 years and still good haha, hope it stays as good next year >__<
    Naww hope things settle down and yup I noticed haha, hope you've been well otherwise and good luck finding the Isabelle Card : )
    OMG popping in to say Hello^__^ I haven't seen you on in forever haha, how have you been : ) ? (maybe you have been on and I didn't see 8'D)
    Hey :). I've seen a lot of your drawings on here, they're lovely! How much (IRL or TBT, I don't mind) would you be looking for to do a row of villagers and my mayor for me (if willing)? Thanks :)
    last edits...sorry and thanks!

    Hello ^^ This is TUNA, also known as ssvv227 here on TBT. Yes I am a cat named after a fish. When I’m not busy with school, I’m tending my dog, who is eleven, and who sadly still needs to go out every day. Because of him, I am so fit. Drawing comes after him and my cousin. My diet consists of water and chocolate, and for now, takoyaki. Come visit my brand new tumblr ^^ The piece on the left is sketched and lined by me, and coloured by MTurtle.
    posted on your recruitment thread!


    Oh, cool! It's fine if you can't find it, I heard of one called Anime Studio or something and it is super hard to animate on, it was horrible trying...XD
    Oh, yes, this is what i had in mind. I'm used to the pain that is animation D:
    My sister thought that you had to draw a bunch of pictures and string them together in iMovie..
    Just wondering, when you say frame-by-frame, does it mean you can trace each frame, or do you have to string photos together in iMovie or something?
    Also, yes, I use a Mac.
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