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  • Hi, if I were to post a thread asking for suggestions for a new forum name what forum section would that go into?
    HELLO! Just wanted to leave a message here to say a big thank you to all the work you put into the fair! It was SO much fun, especially since it was my first fair! I’m extremely impressed by how it turned out (and I also really appreciate the effort that all of you clearly put into it!) The organizing, gifts, collectible designs, posters, and EVERYTHING was so beautifully made and well-done. A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE OF YOU! Truly! I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
    Hello! Sorry to bother you, but I clicked the wrong entry to vote for in the poetry contest. Now, I wouldn't consider this a problem, if it wasn't that the one I clicked was my own. I meant to click number 11, not 12. I'm so sorry, if you could redo my vote, I'd be thankful. Thanks!
    Nevermind just forget it, it won't work.
    I'll just wait for a spot to open up in the room.
    Okay fine I'll join ur little group for Splat today.
    PK21#6806 is my account.
    that 1 ticket you sent was enough for me to get a white feather, thank you!, may the gods bless your soul ;w;
    Yea maybe I took it a bit too far >. <' I promise it won't happen again and I'll just report them and leave
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