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  • I realize you're likely busy, but just writing again to say I'm still interested in some stuff from your Pokemon shop. Just wanted to clarify as the last post was a while ago. Again, no rush, just let me know whenever you're back to business. Thanks. :)
    Hi, I posted a few days ago in your Pokemon thread. No rush, just letting you know in case you hadn't checked. Thanks. :)
    Mine's 2208-6982-0836. weird, i got the 3ds FC from your about me page xD

    I got it right this time though!
    Ok!! i think i accidently already had muffy's plot in my village but thankfully it wasn't a terrible spot but could be better D: lol

    gimme a second to confirm and i can come to your town! sorry for the wait.
    Anyways! I finally secured someone to take Lolly off my town so once he takes her, I will tt a day to get Muffy in and I can grab Vesta after that too! - unless you know that it's possible to have 2 villagers "planning to move in" but not physically here yet?

    I might do a few restarts to get the plot on the right spot ><
    For me, as long as where I live is super quiet I don't mind how loud and crazy Downtown is (unless it 's too crazy like China which i hate because most don't have manners from my experience) then I'm good. Like when i was there, drivers NEVER give way for pedestrians, even as you're crossing a crosswalk, they'll continue driving at a fast speed and honk at you which is so lame! And when you get on transit people push you and shove you in so if you wanna get in, you have to be aggresive too, Ugh.

    Thankfully here in Canada we are a lot nicer but in a way this city is boring to me too and it's hella expensive to live here :<
    Ohhh >.< yeah I'm kind of a mix i think! I don't like it when it's too quiet because like you said, there's nothing much to do :p But when there's at least a bit of bustling to the city but not too crazy to the point where you can't sleep, that's good enough for me!
    Aw! I really wanna goto LA haha. I've been thinking about the possibility of trying to apply for temporary work placements in the States and LA is one of them because of the companies I'm spying xD.
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